

principal ezh_2
Education as a planned endeavour, at a personal level, or institutional level, on a large scale, aims at making children capable of becoming active, responsible, productive citizens of the country. Holistic approach of education stimulate innovation among students by inspiring fresh ideas with different perceptiveness, creative thinking and strong conviction to achieve true success. In other words, it means to be inquisitive and to think independently

In order to bring out the best in children and to develop their originality of thought and inherent creativity, we need to cater to their developmental needs. Every child is unique, endowed with one talent or the other. It needs introspection on the part of a child on the one hand and recognition on the part of his mentor

Hard work is the best investment a man can make. He who struggles is better than who never attempts. The present time needs to be utilized because yesterdays and tomorrows cannot be trusted. We, be it a teacher or a student cannot pass on our responsibility to any else nor it can be showed off.
When you hold back on life, life holds back on you